Woof N’ Wags Dog Adoption Form

Interested in adopting a dog from Woof N’ Wags dog shelter?

Please fill out the form below by:

Printing out this webpage, writing down your answers, and calling/texting +961 78 916 381 to let us know


Typing your answers in a Google Doc version of this form and emailing woof.n.wags.lb@gmail.com to let us know.

Note: Woof N’ Wags reserves the right to accept or decline any application at its discretion.

Your Contact Information:

Full Name:


Home Address:

Mobile Phone:

Email address:

Family & Housing

How many adults live in your household where the dog will be? How many children (ages)?

What type of home do you live in: apartment, villa, farm, etc.?

If you rent, please state the rules governing pets and the landlord’s name and number:

Does anyone in the household have a known allergy to dogs?

Does everyone in the household agree with the decision to adopt a dog?

Do you have time to provide adequate love and attention?

Other Pets

What other pets do you have (specify type and number)?

Are these pets up to date on vaccines?

Are these pets spayed/neutered?

If not, why?

Have you ever surrendered/abandoned a pet? ____ Yes ____No

If so, why?

Have you ever had a pet euthanized? ____ Yes ____No

If so, why?

Have you ever lost a pet to an accident? ____ Yes ____No

How do you train your pets?

Do you have a regular veterinarian? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes:

Veterinarian’s name:

Clinic Name:

Clinic Website:

About the Dog You Wish to Adopt

Main purpose behind adopting a dog? ____ Companionship ____ Other

Looking for a puppy or an adult dog? ______ Puppy ______ Adult

Looking for male or female dog? ______ Male ______ Female

(All shelter dogs are spayed/neutered.)

Any preference in terms of the dog’s appearance and personality? Are you looking for a small or large dog?

Where will the dog spend the day? (describe)

Where will the dog spend the night? (describe)

Number of hours (average) dog will spend alone?

Who will have primary daily responsibility for this dog's daily care?

Will you make appropriate arrangements for care of the dog if you travel? ____Yes ____No

Who will have financial responsibility for this dog?

Do you agree to provide regular health care by a Licensed Veterinarian? ____Yes ____No

Do you agree to keep the dog as an indoor dog? ____Yes ____No

When the dog goes out, how do you plan to supervise it? Fenced yard?

Do you agree to contact us if you can no longer keep this dog?

____Yes ____No

Are you willing to let a Woof N' Wags representative visit your home to see where the dog will live? ____Yes ____No

International Adoption

(Fill out this section only if you're adopting from abroad)

Are you willing to get on a WhatsApp call to meet you virtually and see where the dog will live? ____Yes ____No

Are you willing to visit the dog in Lebanon? ____Yes ____No

Are you willing to accompany the dog/send someone to accompany the dog on the international flight from Lebanon and to fund the trip? ____Yes ____No

Are you willing to get on live video call follow-ups with Woof N’ Wags around 3 weeks and then around 2 months after the dog’s arrival to your location, to ensure everything is going well? ____Yes ____No

Personal References

Please list references who are familiar with both you and your pets.

Full Name:

Home Address:

Phone: Email Address:

Relationship (relative, neighbor, friend, etc.):

Full Name:



Email Address:

Relationship (relative, neighbor, friend, etc.):

All of the information I have provided above is true and complete. This dog will reside in my home as a pet. I will provide him/her with quality dog food, plenty of fresh water, indoor shelter, affection, and annual physical examination under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.